Learn4life brings to you life-skill awareness based on your pubertal, sexual, reproductive, mental & psychological health.
This is a comprehensive platform for seeking receiving and imparting information on SRHR (sexual &reproductive health & rights) for respecting bodily integrity. L4L looks into pursuing a satisfying, safe and informed health life where every individual/binary relation are consensual.

Through this educative website, we are and we will reach more and more young adolescents/youth making them sexually aware and mentally sound. The young generation is considerably tech-savvy and this comprehensive platform for SRHR knowledge will empower them with life skills for a healthy future.
We believe in empowering each and every adolescents/youth with accurate information regarding their physical, mental, sexual and psychological health through workshop and training activities.
We impart educative sessions to the youth and adolescents which will stand them out as ‘role models’ / advocates and they can carry out similar programs for spreading awareness and information through Learn 4 Life.
Puberty, Sexuality, Youth, Genders, HIV, Maternal & Child Health needs greater and innovative intervention for implementation. This will be done through educative sessions with training besides web information.
Awareness based informative education for youth/adolescent on SRHR will help them abstain from unsafe & unhealthy sexuality & elevate their physical, mental, psychological, financial and social health
The full achievement of SRHR for all is integral to the achievement of all shared global development goals. Sexual and reproductive health and rights and empowerment of youth/adolescent (boys, girls and other genders) are central to sustainable development and creating a world that is just, equitable, and inclusive.