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What is Puberty?

Puberty is the stage of physical maturation in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction. Puberty is an essential and inseparable part of individuals’ personality and it does happen to everyone except a rare genetic mutation.

Adolescence is the phase of transition from childhood to adulthood. This is the phase where the individual is getting prepared to handle the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood physically, mentally and psychologically.

Statistics shows, 41.02% of the population was not aware of puberty.

Fact: Pubertal phase requires a lot of communication because several changes happening together may confuse the adolescents.

Changes during Puberty:

Secondary sexual characteristics like pubic hair growth, changes in private parts of the body.
The children are tempted to think like adults wish to shoulder responsibilities like adults.
Most of them witness mood swings because of the pent-up emotions and hormonal changes.
Confusion stemming out from the society’s perspective towards them which is inconsistent.

Early puberty

An unusually early, or advanced, puberty would be diagnosed if symptoms of puberty – such as breast development, enlargement of the testes and growth of pubic hair – start before six to eight years of age in girls and nine years in boys.

Puberty Hygiene

As puberty starts the body undergoes many changes in its structure both internally and
externally which is why our body is producing is more oil, more sweat and even growing hairs in different parts of the body like armpit & private parts.

Body Odor

Body Odour can suddenly become a cause of concern for the adolescents because of the hormonal secretions by the body and the foul smell emitted by those secretions. This can be done by using of deodorants and perfumes. One must maintain cleanliness to avoid the body odour.

Communicating pubertal changes

Anxiety and Curiosity in the teenagers is very high if it has not been communicated to them that Puberty is a part of natural ageing process that each one goes through. Communication between the child and the care-givers (parents, family, guardians, teachers etc.) about the physical changes that will happen during puberty is very important.

Process of growth

Externally we see adolescents as almost well grown youngsters and soon to be adults. Many of them with a good physique may be also receiving treatment like adults. However, internally their brain is yet to undergo several significant changes before they can become well developed thinking adults with a strong reasoning for their behaviour.

Childhood & Adolescent phase

Children and Adolescents are most vulnerable to emotional accidents or traumatic situations around them because their rationality is yet to develop, also their emotional needs are the highest at both these stages, though the quality may be very different.

Since puberty/adolescence is the period where an individual is most susceptible to peer pressure, there is a great change in how they talk, behave, interact, appear, stylize, forms ideologies, values etc. Influence from peers is highest during this phase and thus it is a hallmark of adolescent experience.

What is Menstruation?

Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) accompanied by bleeding within a cycle of around 28 days. It occurs in approximately monthly cycles throughout a woman’s reproductive life, except during pregnancy. It is also called menses or periods or chums in common parlance.

What should I do to follow proper hygiene during menstruation?

Choose the method of sanitation that suits you the best, be it sanitary napkin or clean cloth.

Please change your sanitary napkin/cloth regularly even if you are not menstruating heavily. A sanitary napkin should not be used for more than 4-6 hours.

Always use only warm water to clean vagina or vulva, and soap only to wash externally.

Keep hair around your private parts trimmed or shave them before menses.

Used sanitary napkins must be wrapped properly and disposed.

Menstruating women are not allowed to take bath especially for first few days of their menstrual period.

Have bath regularly and under-garments should always be clean and dry

Myths & Facts

A girl can’t get pregnant during her period It’s not likely, but there’s always a chance. Ovulation can be unpredictable and so can menstrual cycles.
One should rest during her period and avoid exercise Light exercises actually a great way of controlling PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps because it increases the supply of oxygen to your muscles.
Periods should last for one week Everyone’s period is different. It’s perfectly natural for a period to last anywhere between three to seven days.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is all in the mind PMS symptoms are related to the way a girl’s hormones change through her monthly cycle. Symptoms can be emotional (like irritability, depression or fatigue, and physical (cramps or headaches).
Puberty PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurs in most of the girls and women about a week before the onset of their “periods”.

Early Puberty

Puberty begins at the age of 10-12 years for boys and girls.



Mood swings with emotional outbreak

Acne, tender breasts, bloating, tiredness, craving for food

Depression or sudden happiness and anger, irritability, abrupt sadness

PMS survival Kit!

FAN- for those hot flashes.

COTTON BALL- cushioned support for rough days ahead.

A ZIPPER ON THE LIP- to restrain your mouth and not blabber unnecessary things.

SMILEY FACE- no matter what goes wrong, keep a smile on your lips, always.

TEA BAG- lay back, have a tea. This too shall pass.

Measures on personal level
to control PMS

Exercises or other physical activities (yoga, walking, jogging etc)

Healthy food habit that might not include too much oil or spices or fat content.

Meditation and Reducing Stress

Healthy Food Habits

Quitting substance abuse (smoking, drinking, drugs etc)

Intake of lots of water and reducing high-salt diet.

Life style modification

Medications as advised by doctor


Only Young people masturbate: This is not a very accurate information even though masturbation starts quite early in boys but is a lifelong process in accordance to their own choices.

Masturbation is fake sex: Again, an arguable topic because in general, the conclusion to masturbation is “orgasm” which is similar to sex but since, it’s an individual process the parameters might vary.

Masturbation is unhealthy: This is a non-accurate information that has been circulating itself in the social strata for a very long time now. But lately, physicians and scholars have inferred that masturbation is harmless and a healthy procedure to daily life.

Masturbation is only for Men: This is a gender biased statement since women are inhibited mostly when it comes to their sexuality and desires. Just the way men can stimulate themselves to reach bodily pleasures, so can woman. And that is nothing to be criticized upon considering it is done privately and hassle-free for the people around.

Learn more about Puberty with our Toolkit