Unlike elder generation, the present generation is growing up pretty fast. As per the popular belief, kids hit puberty at an early age of 11-13. However, the puberty age might vary from person to person. Their attraction towards the opposite sex has increased invariably. Hence, their curiosity towards physical intimacy. The school going kids, aged 12-15 have their sets of girlfriends and boyfriends. They get easily infatuated with the opposite sex. Though, they are not to be blamed. Also, with the uproar of technological advances their curiosity regarding everything has touched peaks. However, several secondary sexual characteristics develop as a part of pubertal changes, therefore, an important milestone is attained. During this process, both girls and boys experience adrenaline rush due to the hormonal changes. So much so that without proper information and guidance they tend to start experimenting on their sexuality and engage into physical intimacies. As a result of their immense curiosity, some adolescents get into serious troubles too. They get super-excited when they come in contact with people having excellent physical attributes. Thus, the increase in libido (sexual) levels. They get attracted and indulge themselves into up-close-personal adventures. While doing so, they forget about the consequences that might follow if gone unprotected. Often, the teenagers confuse themselves taking their feelings into consideration. Their likeness for someone is thought to be their ultimate lover or soulmate. They fail to understand the subtle yet unavoidable distinction between love and infatuation. Whenever they start to like someone, they happen to trust that the other person is ‘the one’ for them. And thus, they give all their mind space to them. Naturally, their emotional bond further takes a shape of utmost physical attraction giving hype to their sexual desires. The adrenaline rush then, compels them to experience physical pleasure. In order to do so, most of the adolescents engage in unprotected sex. Now, that, has some serious consequences. It’s a pity and shame that they do not follow up on going about the process in a positive way. Some teenagers become victims of STDs while many get pregnant. Therefore, the major issue of adolescent pregnancies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvw7QGytgNQ (Puberty in Boys)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_mFJ2d0qxQ (Puberty in Girls)